Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Amasa Davidson p 6

Amasa Davidson was born in 1863 in Pleasant Grove, Utah. The next year the family moved to a farm on Birch Creek in Sanpete County.
When Amasa was about 3 years old, he would take his bowl of bread and milk outside to eat it. His mother wondered about this and sent his older sister to see what was going on. She saw him sitting on a low rock feeding a snake with his spoon. If he didn't give the sanke the food soon enough, the snake would stick its tounge in the bowl of milk. Amasa would hit the snake on the head with his spoon and then continue taking a spoonful of bread and milk and then giving one to the snake. Amasa ate his bread and milk in the house after that.

1 comment:

Carol D. Harding said...

This is a cute coloring book. Amasa is my Great Grandfather. His son Hans Arthur is my grandfather, and my father is Dr. Halvard J. Davidson (deceased). Cousin, I'm Carol D. Harding. You do some beautiful artwork ! Reminds me of my Dad's.