When the Davidson' s left Denmark, they were under considerable financial and social stress. It seems that it took all their available resources to get away from Denmark, travel to England and to pay their passage to America. Captian Iversen was very kind to help the Davidson's get to Utah
Response to Question ¿How can I get a copy of this Book? The drawings in this book are origional and are copywrighted; they may not be used for any commercial purpose, nor can they be used in any form that would demean, or ridiculed any person, nor for any immoral or corrupt purpose. However, They may be copied for the personal use of any descendant of the person whose life event is illustrated by the picture. If you are unsure of how to make a copy of a picture, Consult your children or grandchildren, In all likelyhood, they will be able to help you.
Response to Question One of Abraham Evans' Great Great Granchildren is trying to locate the burial place of Abraham Evans. The following is my best information on that subject. I hope it is helpful. Abraham Evans, father of Elizabeth Evans, was taken with a serious illness, perhaps cholera, as they crossed Wyoming. being unable to walk he was put into one of the wagons of the company, [the coressponding weight was transferred from the Wagon to the handcart his family was pushing and pulling]. He died and was buried at the crossing of the Green River; this was near Farson Wyoming. the river has meandered considerably since that time and his burial place can not be located now. He was burried by the side of the Green River. There was a ferry at the crossing at that time.
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